Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Fill a large bottle to half with red currant, add to a neck boiled water and put in the coldest place but only that has not frozen. Every day the large bottle should be shaken up well. In a week try, whether it is good on your taste infusions-las water if is not present, leave for 3—4 days. Then water pro-filtering also pour on bottles from under champagne. In all a bottle put 200 g sugar, 30—50 g rum (it is possible alcohol or vodka, but will be worse), 70—100 g champagne and 3 raisins. Bottles strong close, whenever possible pitch, and bury in sand, is better in a cellar or it is at least simple in a dark cool place. In a month try. If not «plays», take even a week — another.Good luck

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